Options from 1-7 classes per week

Options from 1-7 classes per week

In this program we have classes that are around 10-20min, so this is for all those who are short on time and want to get some quick mobility sessions in!

I’ve designed this program in a way that allows you to pick your own classes and schedule. You can do as many or as little classes as you want per week.

I’ve picked out 2-3 classes per joint that you can choose from.

Here’s the classes per joint focus:


Short Class 102 Hip Warm Up (14min)
Short Class 83: Hip Circuit (14min)

Short Class 93 Hip Circuit (20min)


Short Class 103 Shoulder Warm Up (15min) 

Short Class 84 Shoulder Circuit (15min)
Short Class 69: Shoulder CAR Variations (21min)

Short Class 110 Scapula Warm Up (14min)

Short Class 94: Scapula Circuit (15min)


Short Class 105 Spine Warm Up (15min)
Short Class 19 Spine Circuit (16min)

Short Class 81: Thoracic CAR Variations (22min)

Full body:

Short Class 34 Full Body Warm Up (15min) 

Short Class 16 Full Body Circuit (15min)
Short Class 112 Full Body Cooldown (13min)


Short Class 106 Knee Warm Up (15min)
Short Class 97: Knee CAR (12min)

Short Class 62 Knee End-range (24min)

Short Class 109: Ankle Warm Up (10min)
Short Class 72: Ankle Plantarflexion (20min)
Short Class 89: Ankle Inversion (23min)


Short Class 76 Big Toe Dorsiflexion (15min) 

Short Class 123: Foot Warm Up (13min)
Short Class 104: Big Toe Abduction (21min)

Short Class 107: Wrist Warm Up (12min)

Short Class 63 Wrist Extension (15min)
Short Class 122: Elbow Warm Up (10min)


Short Class 86 Finger CARs (14min) 

Short Class 29 Intrinsic Hand Strengthening (22min)


Short Class 23: Neck and Pelvis (20min)
Short Class 100: Reducing Excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt (16min)


Short Class 67: Neck Extension and Flexion (20min)
Short Class 82: Neck Lateral Flexion (20min)

Additional options:
Short Class 119: Hip and Low Back Circuit (16min)
Short Class 85: TMJ Jaw (8min)

So essentially you will pinpoint a joint that you want to train on a given day and then you will pick from any one of the classes in that bracket. It honestly doesn’t matter which class you choose and you can alternate between the classes each time. For example, if you’re targeting the hips: the first time you train the hips you can target Short Class 102 Hip Warm Up and the next time you target the hips you can target Short Class 83 Hip Circuit, and the next time Short Class 93, and then keep alternating through them each time, or just doing the ones you really like consistently.

Any of the classes that DON’T feature PAILs/RAILs can be done as many times as you want per week. For example, if you only wanted to do hip classes, you could do one of these hip classes every single day if you wanted to because they don’t have any PAILs/RAILs in them. When we do PAILs/RAILs we’re essentially doing high level strength training on a specific joint, which means that joint will need more recovery time. So if you’re taking a class that has PAILs/RAILs: I would recommend only targeting a PAILs/RAILs class for a specific joint 2x a week, and spreading those sessions out evenly throughout your week (for example a Monday and a Thursday).

Here’s the list of the classes in this program that have PAILs/RAILs:

Short Class 89 Ankle Inversion
Short Class 72: Ankle Plantarflexion

Short Class 76 Big Toe Dorsiflexion

Short Class 63 Wrist Extension

Short Class 67 Neck Extension and Flexion
Short Class 82 Neck Lateral Flexion

So if you’re targeting one of these specific joints and classes, I would only recommend doing PAILs/RAILs on a specific joint 2x a week, spread out evenly throughout the week.

Overall, which joint focuses you decide to prioritize in a given week is totally up to you and your goals! Let’s say the hips, shoulders, scapula, and spine are your biggest focuses and you want to target one class every day, here’s how you can program it:

Day 1: Hips
Day 2: Shoulders
Day 3: Spine
Day 4: Scapula
Day 5: Hips
Day 6: Shoulders
Day 7: Spine

Then the next week, Day 1 would start on the Scapula. So you just keep going in order.

Or if you just wanted to focus on those 4 joints and you wanted to do classes 4x a week, you can just do a class for each joint 1x a week.

There’s many ways you can program these classes and it’s all dependent on your schedule and your goals. If you want more of a full body approach you can just do a new joint focus every day. Or if you wanted to really hone in on 2-3 priority areas you can just make those a bigger focus and get consistent inputs on those areas. When it comes to training your priority areas, it’s great to target them around 2-3x a week. 1-2x a week if the classes have PAILs/RAILs in them and around 2-3x a week if there’s no PAILs/RAILs. But like I said, if there’s no PAILs/RAILs in the classes, you could essentially do that class every single day if you really wanted to.

In conclusion, this program is designed in a way that encourages you not to overthink it. These classes are really short and there’s less of a need to have a strict schedule. Pick a class on any joint you want to target and get some quick buttery movement!

I hope you enjoy these quicker sessions!

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Options from 1-7 classes per week
  • Short Class 104: Big Toe Abduction

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    Equipment Needed: Rubber band

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  • Short Class 105: Spine Warm Up

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    No equipment needed.

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  • Short Class 106: Knee Warm Up

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  • Short Class 107: Wrist Warm Up

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    Equipment needed: Tennis balls (optional)

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  • Short Class 109: Ankle Warm Up

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  • Short Class 112: Full Body Cooldown

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    No equipment needed.

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  • Short Class 119: Hip and Low Back Circuit

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    No Equipment Needed.

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  • Short Class 122: Elbow Warm Up

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    Equipment Needed: A wall. Tennis ball and a light dumbbell are optional but not mandatory.

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  • Short Class 123: Foot/Toe Warm Up

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    No Equipment Needed

    In this class we will warm up your feet/toes through several different movements. If you need to slow down the pace of the class, please feel free to pause the video and go at your own pace!

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