Here you will find our entire library of sweet buttery classes!
Short Class 9: Ankle Inversion & Eversion
Addressing Rotational Deficits for the Ankle.
No equipment needed. Some sticks for balance might come in handy for our ankle inversion base, but we can use a wall for balance as well.
Time Makers:
0:16 CARs (warm up)
2:16 Ankle Inversion PAILs/RAILs (Standing Base)
18:00 Ankle Eversion PAILs/R... -
Short Class 10: Ankle and Big Toe Dorsiflexion
Ankle and Big Toe Dorsiflexion Gains.
Equipment needed: For the Big Toe we can use two bases, one with zero equipment, one with a little creativity with books or something to elevate the big toe up (as shown in the video)
Time Markers:
0:20 CARs (warm up)
6:20 Big Toe Dorsiflexion PAILs/RAILs ... -
Short Class 11: Middle Splits
This class is tailored towards those who want to improve their middle split, which is a skill that many aspire towards.
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks.
Time Markers:
0:16 CARs (warm up)
7:30 Hip Abduction PAILs/RAILs (Middle Split Base)
19:25 Hip Lift Offs (Middle Split Base)
23:11 Hip Lift Off... -
Short Class 12: Shoulder Flexion & Extension
This class focuses on Shoulder Flexion and Extension
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks. A Stick (optional)
Time Markers:
0:16 CARs (warm up)
5:43 Shoulder Flexion PAILs/RAILs (Prone Lying Base)
12:58 Shoulder Flexion Lift Offs (Prone Lying Base)
16:50 Shoulder Extension PAILs/RAILs (Seated Base)
24... -
Short Class 13: Full Body Circuit - Hips/Shoulder/Scap/Spine
This class will be more of a Full Body option. We'll target Shoulders, Scapula, Hips, and the Spine. We're also doing this in a circuit style, so get those minds right!
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks, Resistance Band is optional
Time Markers:
0:12 CARs (warm up)
10:47 Hip Kinetic Stretching (9... -
Short Class 14: Intrinsic Foot Strengthening
This class is all about those intrinsic foot muscles.
Equipment: Small tower, regular towel, and possible a weight.
Time Markers:
** all drills are done from a seated base**
0:30 Intrinsic Foot Drills (warm up)
4:00 Intrinsic Strength Holds
5:20 Big Toe (Small Towel Drill)
7:24 Little Toes (... -
Short Class 15: Scapular Depression & Elevation
This is our first Scapula only class, and we'll target both Scapular Depression and Elevation.
Equipment Needed: Stretch Band. I'm using the "OPTP Stretch Out Strap" and I got it on Amazon.
Time Markers:
0:15 CARs (warm up)
5:25 Scapular Elevation PAILs/RAILs (Seated Base)
14:13 Scapular Eleva... -
Short Class 16: Full Body Circuit - Hips/Shoulder/Scap/Spine
This class is a quick (15min) Full Body circuit. We'll target Shoulders, Scapula, Hips, and Spine.
No equipment needed.
Time Markers:
0:08 CARs (warm up)
8:13 Shoulder Swimmers (Prone Lying Base)
9:58 Spinal Segmentation (Standing Hip Hinge Base)
11:30 Scapular CARs (Push Up Base)
12:50 Hip L... -
Short Class 17: Hip Abduction and Adduction
This class will focus on Hip Abduction and Adduction
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:18 CARs (warm-up)
4:45 Hip Abduction PAILs/RAILs (Bear Sit Base)
12:37 Hip Abduction Lift Offs + Hovers (Bear Sit Base)
17:35 Hip Adduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Elevated Side Lying Base)
34:... -
Short Class 18: Scapular Protraction & Retraction
This Class will feature both Scapular Protraction and Retraction
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks and a Stick or Stretching Band
Time Markers:
0:15 CARs (warm-up)
5:33 Scapular Retraction PAILs/RAILs (Prone Lying Base)
12:25 Scapular Retraction Lift Offs (Prone Lying Base)
14:10 Scapular Protract... -
Short Class 19: Spine Circuit
Spine Circuit Snack! Only 15min but packs some buttery punch
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:10 CARs (warm-up)
2:45 Thoracic Rotation at Wall (Standing Base)
5:25 Cervical Flexion/Extension (Supine Base)
7:40 Thoracic Rotation (Quadrupedal Base)
11:42 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic ... -
Short Class 20: Shoulder Abduction & Adduction
This class will focus on Shoulder Abduction and Adduction
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:08 CARs (warm up)
2:30 Shoulder Adduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Tripod Base)
18:38 Shoulder Abduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Prone Laying Base)
35:32 Finishing CARsHere we’ll explore ...
Short Class 21: Pushup Mobility
Another skill based class. In this class we'll work on developing the perquisite joint mobility to help improve your pushup, and chest dips.
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:20 CARs (warm up)
4:36 Wrist Extension PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Quadrupedal Base)
12:50 Shoulder Extension ... -
Short Class 22: Hip Circuit
This class is an advanced hip circuit. High tempo, advanced movements, and all the butter.
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks. Tennis balls and ankle weights optional.
Time Markers:
0:38 Hip CARs (Standing Hands on Wall)
3:00 Knee Hinges in Hip Flexion (Supine Base)
5:07 Kinetic Stretching (Middle ... -
Short Class 23: Neck and Pelvis Circuit
This class will be for the Neck and the Pelvis
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:13 CARs (warm up)
1:30 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Quadrupedal Base)
3:15 Neck CARs (Elevated Prone Base)
4:50 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Bridge Base)
6:30 Neck CARs (Elevated Supine Base)
8... -
Short Class 24: Lower Body Warm Up
Lower Body Warm Up Class
Equipment Needed: Optional. If you have a tennis ball and stability ball keep them close by as you can create harder progressions with these items, but neither are mandatory.
Time Markers:
0:20 Hip CARs - bent and straight leg (Side Laying Base)
3:33 Knee CARs (Seated ... -
Short Class 25: Upper Body Warm Up
Upper Body Warm Up Class
Equipment Needed: Optional. If you have a yoga block, tennis ball, stability ball, and a 1-3lb weight - keep them close by as you can create harder progressions with these items, but none are mandatory.
Time Markers:
0:27 Shoulder CARs (Standing Base)
2:00 Scapular CARs... -
Short Class 26: Thoracic Spine Extension & Rotation
This class is for the T-Spine. We’ll be focusing on Thoracic Extension & Rotation
Equipment: Yoga Blocks, A wall to put your back against, and something to anchor our hand down (we’re using a kettebell in the video). Also a stick will be optional.
Time Markers:
0:20 CARs (warm up)
6:05 Posteri... -
Short Class 27: Front Splits
This is a skill based class for those who want to improve their front split.
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks. Tennis Ball (optional)
Time Markers:
0:25 CARs (warm up)
4:55 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Quadruped Base)
6:55 Side 1 Front Split PAILs/RAILs (Front Split Base)
17:55 Side 1 Hip Flex... -
Short Class 28: Ankle Plantarflexion & Dorsiflexion
This Class is for Ankle Plantar Flexion & Dorsiflexion
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks, and something to prop your foot up (we’re using a balance pad in the video)
Time Markers:
0:17 CARs (warm up)
6:00 Ankle Plantar Flexion/Dorsiflexion (Seated Base)
17:15 Ankle Dorsiflexion PAILs/RAILs + Lift ... -
Short Class 29: Intrinsic Hand Strengthening
This class is all about intrinsic hand muscles
Equipment Needed: A medium sized rubber band, and a hand sized squishy ball.
Time Markers:
0:25 Finger Lifts
4:00 Finger Flexion Squeezes
7:37 Half Finger Flexion Squeezes
10:05 Straight Finger Wrist CARs
12:20 Fist Squeezes w/ Ball
14:45 Straight... -
Short Class 30: Seated Mobility
A class designed to butter you up from a seated position
Equipment Needed: Just your chair.
Time Markers:
0:20 Neck CARs
1:45 Thoracic Spine CARs
3:00 Shoulder CARs
4:25 Scapular CARs
5:35 Elbow CARs
6:12 Wrist CARs
6:45 Spinal Segmentation
8:35 Straight Leg Hip Circles
10:05 Hip Capsular CA... -
Short Class 31: Running Warm Up
A quick class designed to warm you up before a run or a hike.
No Equipment Needed.
Time Markers:
0:12 Thoracic Spine CARs (Standing Base)
1:05 Shoulder CARs (Standing Base)
2:00 Standing Hip CARs (Standing Base)
4:30 Knee CARs (Seated Base)
5:50 Ankle CARs (Seated Base)
7:00 Toe Lifts (Seated ... -
Short Class 32: Hip Flexion (Hamstring Specific)
This is a hamstring specific mobility class
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, a box to place your leg up on. Tennis ball, extra padding for your ankle/knee, and sticks for balance are optional…you can use a wall for balance, and get creative with the padding.
Time Markers:
0:30 CARs (warm up)