3 classes per week

3 classes per week

Day 1 - Class 6
Day 2 - Short Class 23
Day 3 - Short Class 19

Day 1 - Short Class 35
Day 2 - Short Class 7
Day 3 - Short Class 33

Day 1 - Short Class 26
Day 2 - Short Class 19
Day 3 - Short Class 46

Day 1 - Short Class 35
Day 2 - Short Class 33
Day 3 - Short Class 26

This program is for intermediate students. We will do classes 3x a week. I recommend, you space out the sessions with an even amount of days in-between for better recovery. Example: Day 1 is a Monday, Day 2 is a Wednesday, Day 3 is a Friday/Saturday. On the days you don’t do classes - I highly recommend doing your full body CARs routine (Intro Video 5).

If you have any questions reach out to me. Hope you enjoy the program!

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3 classes per week
  • Class 6: Spine

    This class is all about the Spine, and we'll throw in some Pelvic movements as well.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks. If you have a stability ball or resistance/stretching band they could come in handy, but not necessary.

    Time Markers:
    0:40 CARs (warm up)
    18:55 Jefferson Curls
    24:25 Anterior/Po...

  • Short Class 7: Spine Circuit

    This class is all about the Spine, and we'll throw in some Pelvic movements as well.

    No equipment needed, but If you have a stability ball or resistance/stretching band they could come in handy, but not necessary.

    Time Markers:
    0:10 CARs (warm up)
    5:20 Advances Neck CARs (“Up-Beard” Base)

  • Short Class 19: Spine Circuit

    Spine Circuit Snack! Only 15min but packs some buttery punch

    Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks

    Time Markers:
    0:10 CARs (warm-up)
    2:45 Thoracic Rotation at Wall (Standing Base)
    5:25 Cervical Flexion/Extension (Supine Base)
    7:40 Thoracic Rotation (Quadrupedal Base)
    11:42 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic ...

  • Short Class 23: Neck and Pelvis Circuit

    This class will be for the Neck and the Pelvis

    Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks

    Time Markers:
    0:13 CARs (warm up)
    1:30 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Quadrupedal Base)
    3:15 Neck CARs (Elevated Prone Base)
    4:50 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Bridge Base)
    6:30 Neck CARs (Elevated Supine Base)

  • Short Class 26: Thoracic Spine Extension & Rotation

    This class is for the T-Spine. We’ll be focusing on Thoracic Extension & Rotation

    Equipment: Yoga Blocks, A wall to put your back against, and something to anchor our hand down (we’re using a kettebell in the video). Also a stick will be optional.

    Time Markers:
    0:20 CARs (warm up)
    6:05 Posteri...

  • Short Class 33: Neck

    This class with feature PAILs/RAILs for Neck Flexion, Rotation, and Extension.

    No Equipment Needed.

    Time Markers:
    0:25 Neck CARS
    2:30 Extension/Flexion Segmentation
    4:10 Neck Flexion PAILs/RAILs
    10:15 Neck Rotation PAILs/RAILs
    21:40 Neck Extension PAILs/RAILs
    27:50 Finishing CARs

    This is our ...

  • Short Class 35: Spinal Flexion (Lumbar Focus)

    Spinal Flexion Gains - Low Back Focus

    Equipment Needed: A chair or bench to sit on. Slant board and resistance band are optional.

    Time Markers:
    0:20 CARs (warm up)
    7:00 Roll Ups (Supine Base)
    9:00 Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilts (Quadruped Base)
    10:40 Spinal Flexion PAILs/RAILs (Seated Base)

  • Short Class 46: Hinge Point - Lumbar Spine

    Hinge Point Training for the Lumbar Spine

    Equipment needed: A Powerband (or pull-up band)

    A healthy spine is where each spinal joint has the ability to move, with control, relative to another. Each joint should be unrestricted in its motion. We want forces to be distributed across the spine eve...