Short Class 5: Wrist
Options for 2-5 classes per week
This class is all about the Wrist. We'll target 3 joint positions for the wrist: flexion, extension, and ulnar deviation.
No equipment needed.
Time Markers:
0:08 Wrist CARs
2:10 Wrist Extension PAILs/RAILs (Collapsed Quadrupedal Base)
10:45 Wrist Extension Lift Offs (Collapsed Quadrupedal Base)
12:50 Wrist Flexion PAILs/RAILs (Collapsed Quadrupedal Base)
20:50 Wrist Flexion Lift Offs (Collapsed Quadrupedal Base)
23:12 Ulnar Deviation (/Wrist Adduction) PAILs/RAILs (Collapsed Quadrupedal Base)
31:45 Finishing CARs
This class will be a great option for those who have struggled with wrist issues. If the wrist is a priority area for you, you'll want to program in this class at least 1x a week, and ideally work yourself up to 2x a week. For anyone with more serious past injuries to this area, it would be wise to listen to your body, and monitor intensities at first. Then you can slowly build up from there, increasing the intensity gradually with each class. You don't have to go full intensity right off the back, it's always best to go at your own pace and then build from there.
The wrist is commonly undertrained, and especially important in certain movements like handstands, pushups, muscle ups, and pushup planks.
Hope you enjoy the class!
Up Next in Options for 2-5 classes per week
Short Class 7: Spine Circuit
This class is all about the Spine, and we'll throw in some Pelvic movements as well.
No equipment needed, but If you have a stability ball or resistance/stretching band they could come in handy, but not necessary.
Time Markers:
0:10 CARs (warm up)
5:20 Advances Neck CARs (“Up-Beard” Base)
6:5... -
Short Class 17: Hip Abduction and Add...
This class will focus on Hip Abduction and Adduction
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:18 CARs (warm-up)
4:45 Hip Abduction PAILs/RAILs (Bear Sit Base)
12:37 Hip Abduction Lift Offs + Hovers (Bear Sit Base)
17:35 Hip Adduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Elevated Side Lying Base)
34:... -
Short Class 20: Shoulder Abduction & ...
This class will focus on Shoulder Abduction and Adduction
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
Time Markers:
0:08 CARs (warm up)
2:30 Shoulder Adduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Tripod Base)
18:38 Shoulder Abduction PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs (Prone Laying Base)
35:32 Finishing CARsHere we’ll explore ...