Breath work
This video is for recovery, and for strengthening the tissues around your diaphragm.
This video would be ideal right after workouts/classes, as it helps you relax and become more para-sympathetic (stress-free) after a stressful workout. Which will be good for recovery, and overall nervous system health. Though you can do this video any time. Maybe after a class, maybe when you’re stressed out, maybe before bed to help wind down, etc.
It's always important to have the yin and the yang. Strength training is stressful, both weight training and mobility. As is our daily lives. It's important to continuously work on things like this so we don't live in a chronic state of stress. We need to de-stress more often, and that will play a huge role in how you recover, and how you perform in the long run. This video would be great to do every single day, and only takes about 10min.
Making healthy habits, making buttery gains 💪🏽