Short Class 81: Thoracic CAR Variations
Class Focus: SPINE & NECK
This class will showcase a few different variations of Thoracic CARs
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, something to sit on, foam roller (optional), and we’ll be using the wall for a couple drills.
There’s many bases and different ways to do your CARs, and in this class will offer you some variety specific to the Thoracic Spine.
Here’s the bases we utilize:
1. Standing narrow stance
2. Standing Wide stance
3. Seated (on chair)
4. Seated on floor (advanced)
5. Lumbar blocked against wall
6. Thoracic extension/flexion against wall
7. Thoracic rotation against wall
We’re not working any PAILs/RAILs in this class - which is often used to expand range of motion. With CARs we express our full ranges of motion and we can develop greater body control.
The tempo and irradiation will play a big role in how great of a training stimulus you want to achieve with your CARs. We can progress our CARs through increased tension and even adding an external load - but it’s important to gradually build up to that.
You always have freedom to go at your own pace and intensity. Always listen to your body and never work in any range of motion that creates pain.
I hope you enjoy these variations!
Up Next in Class Focus: SPINE & NECK
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