Short Class 16: Full Body Circuit - Hips/Shoulder/Scap/Spine
Class Focus: FULL BODY
This class is a quick (15min) Full Body circuit. We'll target Shoulders, Scapula, Hips, and Spine.
No equipment needed.
Time Markers:
0:08 CARs (warm up)
8:13 Shoulder Swimmers (Prone Lying Base)
9:58 Spinal Segmentation (Standing Hip Hinge Base)
11:30 Scapular CARs (Push Up Base)
12:50 Hip Lift Offs + Knee Hinge (Bear Sit Base)
14:10 Hip Lift Offs + Hovers (Bear Sit Base)
This will be uptempo and we go through these movements much quicker and with less cues than regular classes, but if you've been in my program for at least a month you should be plenty familiar with these movements.
I know the holiday season can be busy and it becomes difficult to schedule time for your training. I created this short full body buttering so you can sneak it in anytime throughout the day. It’s short, but still intense and effective.
When you don’t have much time to do longer classes, throw on this little snack and treatyoself with some butter. You can do this anytime, anywhere, no equipment needed.
I hope you enjoy the class!
Up Next in Class Focus: FULL BODY
Short Class 30: Seated Mobility
A class designed to butter you up from a seated position
Equipment Needed: Just your chair.
Time Markers:
0:20 Neck CARs
1:45 Thoracic Spine CARs
3:00 Shoulder CARs
4:25 Scapular CARs
5:35 Elbow CARs
6:12 Wrist CARs
6:45 Spinal Segmentation
8:35 Straight Leg Hip Circles
10:05 Hip Capsular CA... -
Short Class 34: Full Body Warm Up
This is a Full Body Warm Up Class
No Equipment Needed.
Time Markers:
0:16 Neck CARs (Standing Base)
1:15 Thoracic CARs (Standing Base)
2:10 Shoulder CARs (Standing Base)
3:15 Scapular CARs (Standing Base)
4:00 Hip CARs (Standing Base)
6:15 Jefferson Curl + Deep Squat (Standing Base)
8:20 Thora... -
Short Class: 48 Full Body Circuit - H...
Full Body Circuit
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks, and a wall (for 1 drill)
We’ll start with full body CARs, then turn our focus on the Shoulders/Scap/Hips/Spine.
This an up-tempo class. If I’m moving too fast in the class, always give yourself the freedom to pause the video and go at your own ...