Class 12: Hip Flexion & Extension
60+ minutes
1h 3m
This class is all about the Hips. We'll focus on Linear movements like Flexion and Extension.
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks. Extra pad for your knee. Also possibly a stick for balance if you need it, but you could also use another prop or the wall.
Time Markers:
0:18 CARs (warm up)
12:12 Hip Flexion PAILs/RAILs + Lift Offs + Hovers (Half 90 Base)
36:10 Hip Extension PAILs/RAILs + Passive Range Holds (Half Kneeling Base)
57:06 Finishing CARs
While rotation is king for the hips, it's still very important to train Flexion and Extension as well. These are obvious important areas to address to build strong resilient hips that can endure athletic movements like running, cycling, plyometrics, squatting/deadlifting, and so on. Often times people struggle with hamstring tightness/pulls and psoas/hip flexor issues - this class will be great to address those areas. If Flexion and Extension is a priority area for you, you'll want to program in this class at least 1x a week
For Hip Flexion - it's important to remain pain-free behind the knee. We don't want to feel any pain, tightness, or stretching sensation, behind the knee. Typically that's the sciatic nerve and we don't want to "stretch" that. If you feel any of those sensations, I want you to bend the knee until that goes away. We should be feeling the stretch in the hamstring. From there we can get some good quality work in. Try to maintain your anterior pelvic tilt throughout this drill (like we talk about in class).
For Hip Extension - it's going to be important to maintain your posterior pelvic tilt through both PAILs and RAILs contractions. Keep that in mind as you're setting up. This is cued during the class. If you're feeling any pain and pressure on the knee, you can try to add more padding for the knee, or also remove your foot off the yoga block and allow your leg to rest all on the floor.
Our hips are going to be a tenderized after this one. I know mine was 😈
Up Next in 60+ minutes
Class 21: Running Mobility
This class is designed to help you develop greater strength and resiliency for Running
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, Slant Board, Plyo boxes, Sticks (for balance). Though you may be able to get creative with props around the house for a lot of things.
Time Markers:
0:40 CARs (warm up)
8:40 Hi... -
Class 23: Deep Squat Mobility
This class is all about developing the perquisite lower body joint mobility to help build a buttery deep squat / pistol squat
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, a box to place your leg on. Extra padding for your knee, a weight, and sticks for balance are optional, and you can get creative with props...