Short Class 94: Scapula Circuit
5 classes per week
This will be a short 15min circuit for the Scapula.
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, resistance band, and a wall. A weight for a couple movements is optional.
We’ll work through several scapular movements, working one arm at a time and alternating back and forth.
We go at an uptempo pace, but if you need to slow it down you absolutely can. Feel free to pause the video and go at your own pace if you need to.
If you're short on time and want to butter up the Scapula, this class is for you. This class can also help identify certain limitations in your scapula. For example, we work a couple overhead scapular movements and for many people they struggle with this. If you’re one of those people, it’s okay - that’s why we do overhead scapular movements, to improve control in that plane of motion. Having control of your scapula through all planes of motion is important, especially when you look at certain weight training movements you do where having good scapula control through that specific range of motion is needed.
I hope you enjoy this class!
Up Next in 5 classes per week
Short Class 96: Hip Flexion
This is a single joint focus class for Hip Flexion
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, a box to place your leg up on, and something for balance (we use sticks).
Having good hip flexion is important for many different goals, such as: squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg presses, jumping, running, hiking, e...
Short Class 113: Low Back Rotation
Our first ever low back rotation class!
No equipment needed. But if you have limitations in your low back rotation, using yoga blocks can help decrease the overall range of motion in our PAILs/RAILs base.
This class is great for the low back, SI Joint, and even for the hips.
If the low back o...
Short Class 127: Hip Adduction
This is a single joint focus class for Hip Adduction
No Equipment Needed
We’ll be working 3 rounds of PAILs/RAILs in our adduction base, but always listen to your body and go at your own pace. If 3 rounds feels like too much or if this is an area that's been problematic for you, just stick to j...