Short Class 79: Spinal Segmentation Variations
5 classes per week
This class will showcase a few different variations of Spinal Segmentations
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, something to sit on, resistance band (optional), and we’ll be using the wall in one drill.
There’s many bases and different ways to do your segmentations, and in this class we’ll offer you some variety specific to the shoulder.
Here’s the bases we utilize:
1. Quadruped
2. Seated (on chair)
3. Frog base
4. Standing hip hinge
5. Supine roll ups
6. Supine Neck segmentation
7. Collapsed quadruped lumbar focus
8. Peel offs against the wall
Why do we do spinal segmentations?…
Because we want each spinal joint to have the ability to move, with control, relative to one another. Each joint should be unrestricted in its motion, allowing forces to be distributed across the spine evenly, which will greatly mitigate injury. So we work these drills to develop better segmentation.
If your spine moves in chunks and hinges, parts of the spine that don’t move well won’t get stimulated as much and can become weak. The parts that do move can then get overworked since they will have to absorb more force to compensate.
The tempo and irradiation will play a big role in how great of a training stimulus you want to achieve with your segmentations. We can progress these movements through increased tension - but it’s important to gradually build up to that.
You always have freedom to go at your own pace and intensity. Always listen to your body and never work in any range of motion that creates pain.
I hope your spine feels buttery after these!
Up Next in 5 classes per week
Short Class 82: Neck Lateral Flexion
This class is for Neck (Cervical Spine) Lateral Flexion
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Short Class 88: Shoulder Extension
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