Short Class 59: Low back & Hamstring Circuit
5 classes per week
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks. Tennis ball optional.
This will be an up-tempo class where we work multiple different movements, altering between hamstring and low back specific drills.
Low back and hamstrings are typically areas of tightness and weakness for people. So I wanted to offer a quick circuit to help butter up that area.
As always, listen to your body and go at your own pace. If you’re feeling rushed and need to slow down, that’s okay. You can always pause the video and take your time.
I hope you feel extra buttery after this one!
Up Next in 5 classes per week
Short Class 60: Scapular Retraction
This will be a single joint focus class for Scapular Retraction
Equipment needed: Yoga blocks and in one drill we're going to be using the wall.
Retraction is one of the most commonly limited areas for peoples in their scapula. In conventional fitness we're often told to retract our scapula to ...
Short Class 61: Shoulder External Rot...
This will be a single joint focus class for Shoulder External Rotation
The fundamental motion of our shoulder is rotation. So in order to expand space (“mobility”) within a joint capsule we must first establish rotational capacity. We have a single joint focus class for Shoulder IR and now we ha...
Short Class 66: Scapular Protraction
Single joint focus class for Scapular Protraction
Equipement needed: Yoga blocks.
Protraction is a range that we typically rest in often in our daily lives - at the desk, on the couch, etc. Most have solid passive range of motion here because of that, but they lack the active strength and cont...