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Short Class 77: Hip Abduction (Butterfly Base)

3 classes per week • 22m

Up Next in 3 classes per week

  • Short Class 96: Hip Flexion

    This is a single joint focus class for Hip Flexion

    Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, a box to place your leg up on, and something for balance (we use sticks).

    Having good hip flexion is important for many different goals, such as: squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg presses, jumping, running, hiking, e...

  • Short Class 127: Hip Adduction

    This is a single joint focus class for Hip Adduction

    No Equipment Needed

    We’ll be working 3 rounds of PAILs/RAILs in our adduction base, but always listen to your body and go at your own pace. If 3 rounds feels like too much or if this is an area that's been problematic for you, just stick to j...

  • Class 12: Hip Flexion & Extension

    This class is all about the Hips. We'll focus on Linear movements like Flexion and Extension.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks. Extra pad for your knee. Also possibly a stick for balance if you need it, but you could also use another prop or the wall.

    Time Markers:
    0:18 CARs (warm up)
    12:12 Hip Fl...