Short Class 153: Wrist Mobility (Intermediate+)
20 - 40 minutes
This class is all about the Wrist. We'll target 3 joint positions for the wrist: flexion, extension, and ulnar deviation.
Equipment Needed: I’ll be using an ankle weight and dumbbells, but as always, weights are optional.
We work through a series of wrist mobility exercises, including Wrist Extension and Flexion PAILs/RAILs, as well as movements for Unlar Deviation (lateral wrist).
For those who need a well rounded wrist mobility class, which some slightly more advanced progressions, this is a great class for you!
I hope you enjoy it!
Up Next in 20 - 40 minutes
Short Class 156: Hip and Low Back Cir...
Hip and Low Back butter
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks, and something to elevate your leg on (I’m using a chair with a cushioned pad).
For those interested in the cushion pad I'm using, here is the one I bought: is a circuit class where we work one movemen...
Short Class 157: Ankle/Foot Circuit
This is a circuit style class for the Ankles/Feet.
Equipment Needed: Yoga block, chair, and slant board. A cushioned pad (I’m using a balance pad) would be good, but if you don’t have one, you can use a folded up towel instead. I’m also using an ankle weight for one of the movements, but that’s ...
Short Class 160: Thoracic Spine Circuit
A circuit class for the Thoracic Spine!
Equipment Needed: a stick and foam roller (or you can try using a yoga block instead). Dumbbell is optional. We’ll also be up against the wall for one movement.
In this class we’ll flow through several different movements. If the pace of the class feels ...