Short Class 75: Hip IR/Abduction Frog Base (Advanced Class)
2 classes per week
This is an advanced class for Hip IR/Abduction while utilizing frog base
Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks
The frog base is pretty advanced, as is the cues in this class, so keep that in mind before jumping in.
We'll be working both Hip IR and abduction at the same time in the frog base. This can be very challenging, so don’t be discouraged if you struggle in the beginning. It will take time and practice to develop the neurological control to initiate these PAILs/RAILs cues.
If you struggle initiating both downward/upward force with the rotation at the same time, just work on initiating rotation only at first. As you get more comfortable you can initiate both with better control.
As always, listen to your body and go at your own pace. While this is labeled an advanced class, you can regress the session by doing less rounds of PAILs/RAILs, lowering the intensity of PAILs/RAILs, and/or slightly modifying the base so you’re sitting more upright.
** Sidenote - as I was editing this video I noticed Christa had adjusted her position a little after a few minutes into the base. She started leaning her body forward (away from her hips) and was slightly sinking into her low back. A few minor compensations to look out for if it happens to you.
This class is a tough one and will likely leave you in tender city!
Up Next in 2 classes per week
Short Class 88: Shoulder Extension
This will be a single joint focus class for Shoulder Extension
Equipment Needed: We’ll be using a stick
We utilize a stick in this class, but if you don’t have a stick you can get creative. You can do this base from a kneeling position and you can prop your hand up on a table, chair, bench, or...
Short Class 90: Hip Circuit (Intermed...
This class is an advanced hip circuit. Quick tempo, advanced movements, and extra buttery.
Equipment Needed: Yoga blocks. Tennis balls and ankle weights optional.
In this class we’ll flow through several different movements. If the pace of the class feels too fast, feel free to pause the video ...
Short Class 113: Low Back Rotation
Our first ever low back rotation class!
No equipment needed. But if you have limitations in your low back rotation, using yoga blocks can help decrease the overall range of motion in our PAILs/RAILs base.
This class is great for the low back, SI Joint, and even for the hips.
If the low back o...